
Thursday, December 01, 2005

Today's Ramble

Let's see, what to talk about today. I just replied on behalf of my son to a school that looks interesting among all the college literature he is being bombarded with these days. He is a sophomore this year and sending off for literature from lots of colleges and universities. I hate the thought he is only here for two more years. It'll be over in a flash, I know.

Hubby is driving my car today as he is getting it inspected and changing the oil for me. He has a place by his office he trusts so I am driving his pimp mobile today. That's what son and I call his car. It is an older Olds that is maroon with maroon fabric upholstery. Gah. Good sound system, though.

I'm seeing all these places with all the heavy snow fall this early in the season and remembering days when I went out early to get the car scrapped off and the heater blasting. Give me the Gulf coast any day. Hurricanes and all. It's the trade off.

Made some chocolate chip muffins for a treat for son this morning. He'll have them this afternoon. They are one of his fave treats and so easy. Open the mix, add the milk and bake! Mahhahaha! I put them on the glass platter with the Christmas cats design. Dragging all that stuff out for the month. Of course I have many penguin motif items in festive attire.

The current fad of political campaigning via taped telephone messages is so irritating I could scream. The last thing I want to hear when I am interrupted by a ringing telephone is a recorded message for a political candidate.

Looks like husband will miss out on Christmas at home after all. He is scheduled to leave the 8th and expected to be out for 20 days. I did the math. Looks like just me, son and MIL. We have been lucky in recent years, he has been home for most of the recent past Christmases. So, instead of the big leg of lamb I have in the freezer to cook for Christmas dinner, I'll save it for New Years Eve. Such is our life. When I introduced my future husband to my old college roommate, she had the classic line to offer as her pearl of wisdom: "Life will never be boring." Well said and true.

So many books to read, so little reading time. Every day I see another book I think sounds good. My stack of "to read" books is too high already to justify picking up more. It's a vicious cycle with me. My husband has switched to books on tape style of reading with his travels. He just sticks in the earplug and he's good to go. His PDA hooks up with the computer and he downloads from a site called and gets his fix. I don't know the process but it's what he does.

The press is having a field day with the memos being released from previous decisions made by Samuel Alito, the president's nominee to the Supreme Court. Doing the work of the opposition party, they are feigning surprise that this conservative, Republican president has nominated a conservative, Republican lawyer to the Supreme Court. I'm shocked by this choice, I'll tell you. And it appears he is personally pro-life, too. Wow. Surprising. Idiots.

Tookie Williams, founder of the Crips gang in southern California, has been denied by the California state Supreme Court a stay in his date with the death penalty again. That the governor of California is seriously considering a decision otherwise is revolting. Because he wrote a childrens book denouncing gang activity? He was in solitary confinement all this time as he was too violent in the general population when he was first incarcerated, what with physically fighting and raping fellow prisoners and all. But he wrote a childrens book.

I wonder, can you be pro-choice and anti death penalty? I mean with a straight face.


  1. I'm anti-death penalty, in a loud, probably obnoxious way. Not for the sake of the criminals. But for the insanity of the arbitrary unfairness of the doling out of such a sentence. And for the fact that the USA is alone among civilized nations in still believing it a civilized practice.

    But, and with a straight face, I can certainly respect opinions to the contrary.

    And also? I'm looking for some good reading suggestions as I seem to be out of unread material at the moment. Any ideas?

    Open Book

  2. Yes indeed hon. Pro-choice and anti-death penalty. Straight face and pure heart. Keepin' the faith. ^j^

  3. Whoever nominated that guy for a Nobel Peace prize is a moron. But they gave one to Arafat too, so it no longer means anything.

    Has your son started taking the SAT or ACT? Even as a sophomore he should. To get used to them, to see areas that he might need help in and the SAT now has a writing section. Schools say they don't put that much stock in the scores, but that isn't true.
