
Friday, September 29, 2006

The Weather is Fabulous

Cool air this morning. Low humidity. It's all good. The high is guessed at 83. Now we're talking. Soon the mornings will be cool enough regularly that my baking frenzy will begin. I look forward to it every fall.

Filled up the car this morning after taking son to school and the price per gallon is $2.01 at my regular place. If presidents can control the price of gas, as some state, does President Bush get credit for lowering prices as he does blame when the price is higher? Just asking. The whole answer is that it is not correct either way. The president doesn't set gas prices, no matter who is sitting in the oval office.

Howard Dean was in Austin Tuesday at a rally for Democrats. "We are going to take back Texas. And we're going to do it before we take back other states we've lost the last 15-20 years," he said. Ah, Howard. Always good for a chuckle. And Texas was still very much Democratic party dominated 15 years ago, and even more recently than that. Facts, they are such pesky things.

Looks like Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld is the subject du weekend. Fox News and CNN are both advertising specials about him this weekend. I read a really good biography of Rumfeld by an author who knew him from many years ago and I thought she did a good job. She didn't seem to push an agenda, anyway. I don't think the same will be said by folks about the new Woodward book. He was criticized by the left for not making more of an attack on President Bush in his last book, just before the 2004 election, so I'm sure he is determined to correct that in this one, just released in time for the 2006 elections. The man has the cycle down, doesn't he.

Some retired Marine and Army officers testified earlier this week on their opinions about the war in Iraq and the leadership of Donald Rumsfeld. It was before a Democrats only Senate panel and these former military men were given the floor to call for Rumsfeld's resignation. This was the day before President Bush declassified the NIE report, thus dashing the Democrats hopes of making selected sentences the argument du jour for withdrawal from Iraq. The stunt lost steam shortly thereafter.

"The party of FDR and the party of Harry Truman has become the party of cut and run." - President George W. Bush

1 comment:

  1. Of course the left wishes that the military people had let Mr. Rumsfeld burn to death as he tried to help pull victims from the burning Pentagon on 9/11. I wonder if Howard Dean would risk his life to go into the burning building... and he is supposed to be a doctor.
