Monday, September 17, 2007

What'd She Say?

Did you watch the Emmys? Me either. I think Hollywood types pat themselves on the back enough in regular life, I don't need to see them gather in borrowed jewels and free designer duds to pick up high cost goody bags and a statue or two. Blech. This morning, on a recount to the evening, I heard the radio show host reference a speech made by Sally Field. Sally Field? The actress who is taunted for her "you like me, you really like me" line from 20 years ago? Same one. Seems she used a curse word not acceptable for broadcast and now Fox is being criticised for bleeping it. Like any other network would have let it go. Please. Is that the best they have today?

I watch little in the way of regular network tv shows. Most of it, frankly, isn't worth the time. My 18 year old doesn't even watch much of it. I do, however, enjoy the show Sally Field is currently on and for which she was recognized last night. "Sons and Daughters" is an interesting show. Sally Field is the matriarch, a recent widow, wealthy California wine country kind of lifestyle. She has many children and one is a conservative pundit, now a political consultant to a presidential candidate. The 'child' is played by Calista Lockhart and the candidate is Rob Lowe. Two libs playing conservatives, convincingly. One of the sons is about to be re-deployed to Iraq. He was in Afghanistan and home for leave during the first season. He was, of course, battling demons.

The Sally Field character is loudly anti-war. She uses her motherhood as her reason. So, ok. Who doesn't understand that? What I don't like is the unnecessary Republican bashing. Every chance it can be worked in. It does nothing to advance the script. It's just rote. It's dumb. Last night Fields decided to continue on in her role as anti-war woman and turned her speech into a support of mothers, especially mothers with children in combat. OK. Then she starts to blabber, some kind of nonsensical loss of thought, them blurted out that there would be no g--damn war if mothers were in charge. Well, no network would let that remark through.

I guess Field didn't go to many history classes during school years. Or, continued her education as an adult doing some reading on her own. Mothers ruling countries have been throughout history, whether it was Queens, Empresses, or women like Margaret Thatcher or Indira Ghandi or Golda Meir. They didn't oversee battles, wars? The whole if women ruled there would be no war meme is just not reality. It's only aging feminists who continue to spout that nonsense.

It's a shame she has to stoop to this level to get some publicity for herself. She knew exactly what she was doing by using that language. She's been in show biz since she was a teenager. I've enjoyed her work for as long as I can remember. "The Flying Nun", "Gidget", "Murphy's Romance", "Mrs. Doubtfire", all that stuff.

Maybe Field should have stuck to pimping for big Pharma by hawking that drug for Osteoporosis.


Beverly said...

I think those shows have reached new lows, not that they were ever very good. I refuse to watch them. We get all the junk the next day anyway. Give me a football game anyday, or baseball.

That Janie Girl said...

Good post, Karen.

Jolene said...

I didn't watch either, but saw the clip of it on Fox News. Its after they tried to cut her off for time that she started the babbling BS. Hollywood is usless, and unimportant.

AC said...

I enjoyed the aftermath via Laura Ingraham. SF's babling reminded me of the infamous Ted Kennedy mumble --I can't do it justice by trying to type it so I hope you know of which mumble I speak -- I can't believe how much press these indeed useless and unimportant people get wht with brit/oj/Rosie/Paris - its goes on and on until my "don't see" list is so full that my entertainment budget dollars are piling up. Maybe I'll get that in-ground pool after all.

Great post, as always.

Anonymous said...

More and more tv dramas are becoming mouthpieces for the white liberal guilt that has infused this country. Not buying into them. Can I not just be entertained without having to listen to more leftist rhetoric?

Speaking of the smugness of the actors? PROMISE ME you will find the South Park episode that has to deal with the "smug problem" in L.A. You will L.Y.A.O., I promise!!!

Frasier said...

That last sentence finished up a great post.
Seriously though she would not be able to say what she said if it was not for a mother who raised her son and sent him to fight for all the freedoms we have today.