Thursday, November 15, 2007

Tipping Point

In light of tonight's Dem debate with their favorite network, CNN, Wolf Blitzer is under fire doing the pinkie swear that no, the Clinton campaign hacks didn't make him swear to take it easy on Hillary. No Russerting from him, they said. Wolfie promises to treat her just like everyone else, though he's never done that before. We'll see.

John McCain yesterday was in South Carolina and taking questions from the audience. One woman stood and asked how he would beat the bitch, referring to Hillary. He did his best to be graceful about answering the woman and made a point to say he respects Hillary. That wasn't good enough, of course, for Hill's people and they are whining that McCain should have stood firmer for Hillary against that naughty word. "I can't dictate what other people say - that's not my business," he said. How true.

And then we hear that the Spitzer people arranged the press conference yesterday for the Governor of NY, another Hillary drooler, so he could announce he was giving up on his quest for illegals to have NY driver licenses at the insistence of Hill's people. The day before the Dem debate. The last debate was where Hillary's downturn began. Interesting.

All of this added to the bad press she and her people were receiving, though limited since the regular media still acts as her main cheerleaders, about stiffing a waitress in Iowa of a tip. The campaign tried their best to act as though the waitress was mistaken and the tip was left, but she is standing by her story. As she said, what's her reason to lie about it? She's a Democrat, she said, and was leaning toward voting for Hillary. Not any more.

The campaign claims they left a $100 tip for a tab of $157 and they wanted the waitress to share with the other waitresses. Even though they didn't wait on the table. Hillary. Socialist in tipping, too. Wealth re-distribution at the expense of a regular working woman.

Well, they chose the wrong woman. Also with Hillary were Christie Vilsac, (wife of former Gov. Vilsack and he's a campaign manager for Hill), and Ruth Harkin, wife of Senator Harkin. A high profile table. Waitress Anita Easterday at the Maid-Rite diner spoke to Hillary about her need to work two or three jobs as a single mom. Hillary had the famous loose meat sandwich, by the way. Then Hillary used Anita in her campaign speech. Without asking if that was ok with Anita. Which, it was not apparently. She felt her privacy was violated.

The other waitresses back up Anita's story. They say they never received any tip money from that table.

Hillary. A supporter of working women. Stiffing tips and using their stories for her vote getting purposes. What a gal.


Paul is a Hermit said...

Do as I say, not as I do.
Seprate rules for her and the rest of the country. Nothing's changed.

Gentlemanly of McCain to even try to soften the truth.

srp said...

One can only hope that her campaign goes on and fully tips over. Having the Hillary and Bill show in the White House at the same time Iran is making nuclear warheads is a frightening thought.

How is your son's senior year going? It is his senior year or did I miss more than just your posts... I remember how stressful the college search experience was and am hoping that the grad school application is less nerve wrecking.

Anonymous said...

yep....she pretty much talks out of both sides of her face.

Seriously, she has also mastered the art her husband perfected with talking and never saying anything.

AC said...

I hadn't heard the tip story somehow. Gag.

Anonymous said...

"Pinkie swear", I love it. So appropriate. I guess he was afraid of the "Clinton machine" if he didn't tow the line.

The WordSmith from Nantucket said...

One woman stood and asked how he would beat the bitch, referring to Hillary. He did his best to be graceful about answering the woman and made a point to say he respects Hillary. That wasn't good enough, of course, for Hill's people and they are whining that McCain should have stood firmer for Hillary against that naughty word. "I can't dictate what other people say - that's not my business," he said. How true.

Must have been a Hillary plant.


Incognito said...

Tsk Tsk. She feel she's too important to leave a tip. Shameful. Good for that waitress for bringing it to the light.

Have to laugh about that McCain comment. She just proves daily she doesn't have the cojones to make it in the White House, and that's a good thing.