
Saturday, February 09, 2008

Thompson and Bolton Speak

"This is no longer about past preferences or differences. It is about what is best for our country and for me that means that Republicans should close ranks behind John McCain," Thompson said in a statement reported by the Associated Press.

That is Fred Thompson's statement released yesterday and reported by the Washington Post.

Sam Stein reports from the CPAC convention on John Bolton's speech before the group on Friday. "Revealing information that he said had never before been made public, Bolton discussed how McCain secretly tried to shepherd his nomination to the United Nations - a nomination that was held up in the Congress over Bolton's controversial anti-UN statements and policies."

"He was very active behind the scenes," said Bolton who was ultimately sent to the UN via a presidential recess appointment. "He thought I was the type of ambassador that ought to represent the United States at the United Naitons.", Bolton said.

Stein continued, "Even prior to the speech the possiblility of a Bolton cabinet position was being batted around. The introductory speaker, Ken Timmerman, referred to the former UN Ambassador as both a "warrior of light, " and "our next Secretary of State."

Bolton, when asked about serving as part of a McCain administration said, "I really don't think about that and really shouldn't think about that. The first thing we need to do is win the election."


  1. I find the part regarding McCain behind the scenes in supporting Bolton's nomination as UN ambassador quite significant.

  2. Bolton is my favorite.
    I give more credence when endorsements are made before a nomination is sewn up, though. Still, if he speaks well of someone, it means a lot.

  3. I love John Bolton. Das Grosse Schnurrbart, La Stache' Grande', the big mustache. I always thought he was one of the Beatles because of that "I was the Walrus" song (my 'rents are besotted Beatle worshippers) and his name was John.

    His unabashed advocacy of all things American - his insistence not to let weak minded (foreign or domestic) inappropiate handwringers get away unscathed is precious to me.

    I hope he gets to serve America again. And soon!

    "Choking smoking expert textperts don't you hear the Joker laugh at you!"

  4. Anonymous6:53 PM

    I have always respected Bolton. It is too bad he had not run for POTUS- still having trouble getting myself hyped up about McCain. Sigh....
