
Friday, June 27, 2008

Culberson Wins the Technology Race; Delahunt Loses

There was quite an interesting contrast going on around here yesterday, all concerning some form of technology.

The strongest point made is that Republican Congressman John Culberson, who happens to my district's representative in the House, is by far on the leading edge of modern communication with his constituents. Last night I answered my telephone and it was the Congressman asking me to join the town hall interactive meeting that was in progress. Over one thousand people were on the phone line and welcome to press 9 if they had a question for the Congressman. The interaction was also being streamed live on UStream so by connecting to his web site the participant could watch as well as listen.

This was during the live streaming of the web-a -thon for the fundraiser conducted by Move America Forward yesterday, also on UStream. This event was about 8 hours long and really interesting, as I noted while checking it with it during the evening. Members of the Military College at Fort Leavenworth joined in with storytelling of their experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan and a video message from General Petraeus' aide in Iraq was shown. He told about how important care packages from home are to the troops, a real morale booster.

The web-a-thon raised over $1 million dollars to send over the largest shipment of care packages ever.

That success gave me a bit more optimism for the civility of the American people than I saw on display earlier in a C-SPAN broadcast of a House subcommittee. The subcommittee dealt with interrogation methods used at GITMO and one witness was David Addington, Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff. He was treated as a common criminal by the Democrat members of the panel, in their typical pre-9/11 mental dwarfism. Rep. Bill Delahunt, not even a member of the subcommittee yet allowed to be a questioner by the chair, Jerry Nadler (D-NY) as he bypassed the protocol of the committee by not even having them vote on Delahunt's participation.

Delahunt was asking Addington about specific interrogation methods. Addington was rightfully hesitant to go into detail, as it was televised for the world to see. Addington voiced his concerns to Delahunt, stating it was very possible that terrorists were watching. Delahunt, in true Bush Derangement fashion said, "Well, I'm sure they are watching, and I'm glad they finally have the chance to see you, Mr. Addington." And, he said it with a smile.

Smiling as he placed the target on the back of Addington. Delahunt's behavior was vile and inexcusable. I don't care how much he delves into personal violent fantasies starring the President and Vice President, which are all the rage with the books and movies out there courtesy of the 'peace loving' left.

The wisdom of post 9/11 realists have kept this country safe from another attack since that horrible Tuesday in September, 2001. Is a little civility around those the congressman doesn't agree too much to ask?

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