Saturday, June 27, 2009

Jenny Sanford Sets Example

I didn't know what she even looked like but on Thursday, I became Jenny Sanford's biggest fan. The best part of the strange and rambling statement from Gov Mark Sanford's press availability to declare his whereabouts as he went missing for a few days was the fact that his wife, Jenny, was nowhere to be seen.

The fact that a politician has been found to be cheating on his wife is not a new story and not shocking. It is all too common. The taste of power does odd things to an ego. But the continued appearances of scorned wives standing by the side of their unfaithful husbands is a bit too much for most people to endure. For once, a political wife stood on her own and denied the media that photo opportunity.

After reading a bit about Jenny Sanford, I am impressed. The granddaughter of the founder of Skil power tool company, she graduated from Georgetown University with a degree in finance. She worked on Wall Street for an investment banking firm. She is a millionaire. She helped her husband launch a political career and ran his campaigns for Congress and then governor. Campaign workers lived in their basement.

She is formidable in her own right. She is the mother of four young sons and her family's survival is utmost on her mind. If her husband can rise to her terms, the marriage may mend. If not, she has made it clear that her first priority is the raising of her children. She was told of the affair five months ago and recently separated from Sanford. "We reached a point where I felt it was important to look my sons in the eyes and maintain my dignity, self-respect, and my basic sense of right and wrong. This trial separation was agreed to with the goal of ultimately strengthening our marriage."

This is a strong woman.

Maybe the example of Jenny Sanford's absence as her husband tells the world about this weakness for an Argentinian woman will strengthen the next political wife to face the same break of marital vows.

The matter of if Sanford will resign from his office as governor is fodder for the talking heads on cable television. He appears to be standing firm in his insistence that he will stay in office. This is a different situation than the standard cheating spouse story. This elected office - the top of the chain of command for his state - left the state without the proper instructions or process put into place. No one knew his whereabouts. He put his staff in a precarious position.

One less potential presidential candidate on the Republican 2012 list.


Z said...

Hi, Karen.
I agree with you...actually, I saw some article that she's 'spoken out' and thought "Oh, no, she didn't!" I hope it was just a fluff thing some outlet misled people with to get them to read...because, you're right, she's been silent in the networks and cable, something I really admire, too.
I'm heartsick over Sanford because something about him really appealed to me..sadly, something about him appealed a bit too much to an Argentine, huh?
To do this to a woman like Jenny Sanford and, most importantly, to 4 young and impressionable sons, is too much.
Then he quoted from Psalms yesterday or the day before..I thought "Good, rub it in that you're Christian.....just GREAT, Sanford, just what the secular media right into their hands." He did a terrible thing.......
Let's see if he stays in office.

We used to have a country where one would hang one's head over we crow about it. scary

srp said...

I know this is a horrible situation.. I have been through this situation... not in the national spotlight but even with no publicity at all, being the woman cheated on feels like the spotlight is on you and that everyone... and I mean everyone is looking at you and somehow they know.. even when you didn't. But... when he started in on spending days crying in Argentina... all that ran through my head (possibly as a defense mechanism for his mess stirring up the memories)... was the song... Don't Cry For Me Argentina... I still can't get it out of my head.

Christians can fail, can stumble and do stupid things.... just like non-Christians. The difference is supposed to be repentance... not saying I'm sorry but continuing to lament over the woman he can't have in Argentina or saying "sorry" but continuing the affair... no, no, no. It is repentance and then CHANGE THE BEHAVIOR. Don't flaunt being a Christain when you fail governor... repent sincerely to God and your family and the people in your state... then work quietly, firmly, and steadfastly to rebuild your marriage and home... step by step, brick by brick.. and for heaven's sake don't even THINK about the other woman.

Personally, after that irrational speech.. which by the way was not that different than the speech I heard from mine when he got caught... I felt he was more sorry that he got caught and had to stop than he was that he hurt his wife and kids. Mine went back to the other ....21 year old... I wouldn't call her a woman. I said enough is enough and started proceedings ... he would have years of work to do to win my trust back.

Z said...

Here's one of the classiest ladies Karen had suggested.

Sounds like srp is, too. I'm so sorry you, too, had to go through something like this,srp. And yes, when Sanford quoted from Psalms the other day, I felt so sad; what ammunition he gives to the hateful secular media....handed our faith right to them because they really think Christians feel we're superior. What a laugh.