
Monday, December 14, 2009

A Winning Season for the New Orleans Saints

It's a terrific year to be a New Orleans Saints football fan. For the first time in their history, the Saints are not only winning, but they are winning big. Today the Saints are 13-0 and I couldn't be happier for them and the city.

The Saints were not my team of preference growing up in Shreveport. I was raised a Dallas Cowboy fan. I grew up with much respect for coach Tom Landry and for quarterback Roger Staubach. When the New Orleans team began, in 1967, I was twelve years old. I was a budding fan, wanting to believe our state had a winning team.

Year after year, despite the skills of good guy Archie Manning as quarterback and fellow native of Mississippi, the Saints lost. For twenty years, not one winning season was produced. Certainly no chance to play in the Super Bowl. Two play-off years, though, did keep the fans believing.

The City of New Orleans is full of dreamers. It is the city time forgot. It is a city of magic and parades, of carnivals and poverty, of music and despair, of old world culture and new world gauche, of world acclaimed food and a hunger for more. The city is my favorite one forever.

This is the football season that does my heart good. After all these years, after years of 'maybe this year' hoping that this would be the one, it is the year of the Saints. After coming back from the devastation of Hurricane Katrina and the realization of the importance of the team to the recovery of the city, the Saints have earned their place in the hearts of their fans.

We believe.

Who Dat? The New Orleans Saints, that's who. Laissez les bon temps rouler.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for you Saints fans. It truly is something. I hope they go all the way, unless, of course, Peyton leads the Colts to another ring.
