Saturday, January 09, 2010

Buh Bye To Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid

The senior Senator from the great state of Nevada is a doofus. Frequently this opinion is reinforced as a new verbal gaffe surfaces. The latest comes from a newly released book, "Game Change". The book, written by two journalists covering the 2008 presidential campaign, John Heilemann and Mark Halperin, provides behind the scenes accounts and commentary.

This is where Reid's latest embarrassing gaffe enters. Remember, as Senate Majority Leader, Reid claimed he was neutral during the battle for the Democratic nomination between two sitting U.S. Senators - Obama and Clinton. Turns out, in private comments, he was talking up the plus side of candidate Obama as a black candidate. He said Obama would receive greater support because he was a "light-skinned" African American and that he spoke with "no negro dialect".

Racist, much?

At, Martin Kay lists some of the bon mots offered up by Senate Majority Leader Reid. It is important to remember the man's title - he is the leader of the Senate and therefore a certain higher standard is expected from his speech. The reader is reminded of: Reid proclaiming the war in Iraq "is lost" in April 2007; that Alan Greenspan is "one of the biggest political hacks we have in Washington" in March 2005; "You know, Joe, I can't stand John McCain" in August 2008; and, well, you get the idea. If anyone would know a "political hack" it would certainly be him.

In today's difficult atmosphere for incumbents in Washington, D.C., Reid is certainly facing a very difficult re-election bid. The good people of Nevada are not so impressed with the performance of Senator Reid. Reid polls lower than all three Republican challengers in this year's primary. This is good news for Americans. Reid has continued to carry water for the unpopular Obama agenda and berate the opposition, including the average person attending Tea Party rallies. Reid represents all that is wrong with Washington - he's been there far too long to remember what an ordinary life is all about. He is part of the crowd that feels entitled and superior. That is not how the Senate Majority Leader should behave.

Words have meaning and consequences, Harry Reid. Good riddance. Don't let the door hit ya...


namaste said...

woo-hoo! good stuff, karen. i hope you're right: buh-bye reid.

Unknown said...

Better said dear. Thanks for your view. I think Reid is not so bad man after all he apologized.

vikk simmons said...
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Vikk Simmons said...

What's really fun is to watch the contortions the dems twist as they try to excuse yet one more of their own while they crucify anyone else for lesser content. Sharpton sounded like an even greater idiot this morning on Fox than usual and it's only begun.