
Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Santorum Takes Three Victories in Three States

Note to Newt Gingrich: look at the clips of Mitt Romney and his very graceful concession speech delivered Tuesday night from Denver Colorado. It was a bad night for him yet he rose above it and kept his focus on criticizing President Obama. He conceded victory and was nothing but gracious to his opponents. Romney wished them "well down the road"and then stated he still intends to be the party's nominee when all is said and done. He congratulated Rick Santorum for his victories.

Rick Santorum delivered a speech notable for its non-scripted tone. He was a little rusty around the edges but his message was received. He allowed himself to inject his nastier side and called out Romney as he accepted his victories and that was unfortunate. He allowed himself to whine about his lack of money against Romney and even sounded as though he was criticizing Romney's ability to organize in states. He then took the fight where it should be - to President Obama. He was especially strong in his criticism of the Obama administration's latest mandate that demands Catholic universities and hospitals issue birth control and cover them by insurance plans. This has set off a firestorm and Santorum - a Catholic - was smart to bring that into his speech.

Ron Paul was almost smiley as he spoke to his audience. He placed second in Minnesota. He delivered his standard stump speech kind of address to his supporters. But, he appeared a bit more relaxed and more of a happy warrior.

Newt Gingrich chose to not appear or give a speech. That was a mistake. It highlighted his inability to organize his campaign effectively - he wasn't even on the ballot of all three states Tuesday - and he looked like a sore loser. After his disgraceful performance immediately after the Nevada results, he didn't need a more negative appearance.

Santorum can now boast as the better alternative to Mitt Romney than Gingrich, though Tuesday's tally doesn't provide anyone with any additional delegates on the board. Santorum will no doubt be able to fund raise after his three victories and stay viable longer in the race.

The results show that enthusiasm is down as grass roots voters go to the caucuses and primaries to vote. Romney is still not able to rally an enthusiastic base of support and that is a problem. Yet, voters are not rising in enthusiastic support for the other candidates, either. It is as though voters are waiting for the process to play out and then hope that everyone rallies together to support the eventual nominee.

The White House is very happy Wednesday morning. That's not a good sign for any Republican candidate.

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