
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Ted Cruz for U.S. Senate Campaign Releases First TV Ad

The Ted Cruz for U.S. Senate campaign has released the first television ad.

The 30-second spot, “Delivers,” highlight’s Cruz’s successful work as the Solicitor General of Texas defending U.S. sovereignty against the United Nations and World Court in the case Medellin vs. Texas. The ad also reaffirms Cruz’s commitment to leading the fight for fiscal responsibility in Washington.

“Our first TV ad highlights Ted Cruz's proven record as a strong conservative and a fighter,” said James Bernsen, the campaign’s communications director. “Texas primary voters are eager for conservative reinforcements in the Senate to stand for the Constitution, cut spending, and defeat the Obama agenda.”

The central case discussed in the ad is Medellin vs. Texas. Jose Ernesto Medellin brutally gang-raped and murdered two teenage girls in Houston. When the World Court tried to order the United States to reopen Medellin's conviction (along with the convictions of 50 other murderers),Cruz fought the World Court and the U.N. all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court and won 6-3.

“It’s been incredibly encouraging that Texans across the State are responding to Ted’s proven conservative record and his passion for fighting for liberty and defending the Constitution,” Bernsen added. “Voters are rightfully weary of being let down by politicians in both parties. That’s why a proven record is so important. You know what you’re getting.”

Ted Cruz has been endorsed by conservative leaders across Texas and nationally, including: Cathie Adams, David Barton, George P. Bush, Dr. James Dobson, Senator Jim DeMint, Gun Owners of America, Tim Lambert, Senator Mike Lee, Mark Levin, Senator Rand Paul, George Strake, Senator Pat Toomey, Club for Growth, FreedomWorks, Young Conservatives of Texas, Kelly Shackelford, and Tea Party Express. In addition, the campaign is publicly supported by over 200 Republican Women leaders across Texas.

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