Friday, December 11, 2009

Harris County Republican Party Accounting Debacle

As has been noticed by some recently, something odd is going on in bookkeeping at Harris County Republican Party (HCRP) headquarters. Today brings an article by Texas Watchdog and gives some specific examples of negligent practice deserving of investigation.

HCRP treasurer, "Josh Flynn, referred Texas Watchdog to those who made the contributions that the GOP failed to report. 'I can't speak for anything that is not reported,' Flynn said. "We report what we got, and as far as what others report, you'd have to talk to them."

Mention of the need for a complete, independent audit of the books was made during a forum held for the HCRP chairman candidates in September. Candidate Ed Hubbard raised the issue and now that the story has legs from outside sources, he says he told us so -

The forum was held by the Republican Women's club of which I am a member and will be installed as President in January. We are planning another chairman forum before the election in March and it will again include all of the declared candidates. Currently, the incumbent Jared Woodfill is running against Ed Hubbard, Paul Simpson and Don Large.

Paul Simpson has released a press statement and it can be seen here:

Something is amiss on Richmond Avenue at HCRP headquarters. We deserve answers from an independent audit. Soon.

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