Thursday, January 21, 2010

Barack Obama is No Populist

President Obama would like you to believe he is a darling of the populist wave because he was elected by those showing frustration and anger towards the deep recession our nation went into at the end of the Bush administration. He doesn't, however, mention that John McCain was ahead in the polls a bit over him just before the big crash. The real problem with Barack Obama is that he has no clue as to who he really is, even as he struggles to perform his tasks as President of the United States. He now claims that the election of the first Republican senator from Massachusetts in decades is the same reaction that took him to the White House, too. Because, you know, everything is all about him.

In Obama's head, it is ok to now be on the side of populists in order to save any hopes of his legacy - health care/insurance reform. Last summer, well, that was then and this is now. Last summer all those populists at those Tea Party rallies were just a bunch of uneducated, racist, fascist, bible thumping, hateful neanderthals. Now he's just one of them.

He's a professor - telling what is best for you and your family. He is cool and aloof as he goes about his work. He doesn't let us see him sweat unless it's a well orchestrated photo op on a basketball court.

He is no populist.

He makes fun and criticizes those who rally at Tea Party venues. He makes fun of a pick up truck in a political ad. He shows thin skin and no use for a cable network channel that doesn't fawn and cheer lead for him. He goes to swanky gatherings on the left coast and calls those not inclined to vote for him as those who would cling to their guns and their religion for comfort - as though that is a bad thing.

He is no populist.

He is the product the most expensive prep school in Honolulu and of Occidental College in California and then the Ivy League on the east coast. He is a Harvard Law School grad, even Editor of the Harvard Law Review. He has no record of publishing articles or legal briefs. All of his school records are sealed.

He is no populist.

He worked in community organizing in Chicago, thanks to connections from his wife which were directly to the political machine there, which propelled him into politics. He chose to vote 'present' more than any other in the Illinois State Senate as a way of ducking votes. Using these connections, he was a spotlighted speaker at the Democratic National Convention in 2004 and rode his favorable reviews into the U.S. Senate.

He wrote - with help though without acknowledging to what extent - and published two autobiographies before the age of 45. Two. He is quite taken with himself and his image.

He is no populist.

He is a master at political expediency, but he is no populist.

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