Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Greater Houston Council Promotes Leadership Skills

An annual event, Greater Houston Council of Republican Women Tuesday featured presentations from Toni Anne Dashiell and Rachel Woods on leadership and communication. 

Greater Houston Council (GHC) is an umbrella organization for 36 Republican Women's Clubs in Southeast Texas, including 11 counties. Its mission is to promote political education in order to increase the effectiveness of Republican Women in the cause of good government.

The event is called the "Nuts 'N' Bolts" Seminar and this year's event specifically focused on leadership skills and communication skills for Republicans.  Dashiell and Woods are the authors of "Leading Freedom" . They have spread their message and instructed women around the world in the cause of developing leaders in the struggle for freedom.

About 150 Republican women heard ideas in developing emerging leaders in local clubs.  It is crucial to reach out to every club member and encourage that woman to accept the challenge of a role in which she is motivated to serve.  A task is well done is the person charged with it is interested in that task.  A club president must get to know members and their specific talents, needs and interests. Successful leaders bring in new members as soon as possible and assign that person a role. Everyone wants to feel a part of a group working on common goals.

It is important to remember to acknowledge members that are already motivated, too.  It is easy to slip into the habit of taking enthusiastic members and their participation for granted.

The development of communication skills in the Republican party is sorely needed.  "If a message is not received the way it was intended, communication did not occur.." said Rachel Woods.  93% of communication is non-verbal. This includes tone of voice, facial expressions, eye contact, gestures, etc, as a speaker communicates a message.  In the case of the Republican party, the image of an angry white man drowns out a message of Republican philosophy and values that appeal to voters.  

Parliamentary procedures for meetings were presented.  PAC treasury guidelines were discussed.

Given the malaise felt by many in the Republican party now, as we contemplate four more long years of President Obama and his agenda for our nation, it was encouraging to hear positive steps that can be taken by each club, every month.  

What keeps Republican women going? "We're doing this to fight for our freedoms", said Toni Anne Dashiell.


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