Thursday, March 27, 2008

McCain Girls Way better than the Obama Girl


The WordSmith from Nantucket said...

lol! That was awful


I could only get through it halfway, though. Stopped it when it got to where there were actual McCains pouring from the sky.

Z said...

A friend sent this to me with the admonition "this is hard to watch".. she meant the voices weren't too good.

I'd say that any time 3 girls today look less like street girls and more like the girl next door USED to look, that's a step in the right direction!

Not very good singing, but at least they've got their clothes on and aren't shoving their bust line and hiney into the camera. Now THAT's what we want in a presidential candidate's following, right?

Z said...

by the way, thanks so much for blogrolling me,'s an honor to have you on mine!

Anonymous said...


Moving right along, I thought of you last night when I was watching Top Chef because it was filmed at the Lincoln Park Zoo and the teams had to cook using the dietary items of some of our residents. The penguin team used squid and anchovies. :-)

Me thinks for this period in time you are more of a Pondering Pundit and you're on a steady diet of democrats...

Beverly said...

I love Vicki's comments. Ella has ribbons in her hair.

Right Truth said...

I just watched Fitna the movie by Gert Wilders, thought you might be interested. Always On Watch has it posted.

I heard this morning that the movie was out, but this is the first time today I have had a chance to watch.

I wasn't sure what to expect from the movie. There really isn't anything new in the movie for most of us who keep up with Islam. But the publicity that Fitna has received will hopefully get paople who do NOT know about these things to watch and learn.

I thought the most impressive and stunning thing about the movie was the increase in Muslims in the Netherlands and Europe from 1990 to 2004. (I believe that is as close to present and the movie went on this, I could be wrong.)

Think from 2004 to present what the increase has been. I saw a post from Brussles Journal on France and the increase on the number of Muslims is amazing.

I'm in Tennessee, and for the first time this week when I was shopping in Jackson, every place I went there were Muslims, women in headscarves. It was an awakening for me.

Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth

Me said...

The singing leaves something to be desired but God Bless them for trying! LOL.

Ottavio (Otto) Marasco said...

That was funny Karen, they sing much like I would...