Friday, August 04, 2006

Say It Right

I was watching HBO, catching up on a favorite series - Entourage- and I saw a preview of an upcoming miniseries. Spike Lee, a legend in his own mind, has an upcoming miniseries about Hurricane Katrina and the aftermath. You would think this man, being so smart and all, would know how to pronounce the name New Orleans, wouldn't you? This hits on a quirk of mine - the mispronouncation of New Orleans sets my teeth on edge.

There are two ways of saying it - either say New Or-le-ahns or say N'awlins, like the natives do. Please, for the love of God, it is NOT New Orrleenzs!

And yes, according to Spike, it is all the federal government's fault. And it's all about racism because without that, Spike has no movie ideas. If he has a solution to hurricane-proof the coasts of this country and make folks smarter with the whole self-reliance/evacuation thing, then I sure wish he'd let us in the hurricane prone zones know what it is.

So, my question is this - is it only racism if black people are on the offended end of a remark? Where's the coverage about the racism portrayed by California Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata? Thursday he called opponents to illegal immigration in San Diego the enlightened term of "cracker". Now, as a Southern gal, I know all too well this term of reference by those thinking themselves to be superior in either intellect or just in general existance. The term "redneck" or "poor white trash" is a step up from "cracker". Any outcries? Anyone taking out full page ads in California newspapers voicing indignation like they are against Mel Gibson and his vile remarks?

Not holding my breath.

The Ned Lamont campaign used a blogger/supporter to do a blackface cartoon of Joe Lieberman. Yet it is racial opportunists Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson who are campaigning for Lamont. His campaign commecial shows him sitting next to the Daily Kos blogger. The one who was blogging "screw them" about the deaths of four Americans in Fallujah. They were civilian contractors so Kos refers to them as "merceneries" and making war profits. Not that they were there to support their families or to help the people of Iraq. No, they deserved to die. Charming man.

If the far left was any more tolerant or open-minded...

1 comment:

srp said...

I'm trying to catch up now that we are home. I see on the tube that Lieberman is behind his challenger in the primary right now. With "friends" in his own party like he has, who needs enemies?