Friday, August 24, 2012

Romney Makes Birth Certificate Joke at Michigan Rally

Mitt Romney enjoys a good joke. He enjoys telling a joke, too. Friday he joked with a reference to his birth certificate in his home state of Michigan to an applauding crowd and the leftist supporters of Barack Obama went ballistic. It was great.

     You, too, can share in the joke. Even Barack Obama tried to cash in on the birther stuff. For a  $22.50 donation to his re-election campaign you can have a coffee mug with the birth certificate plastered on it.

     See, it's ok for Barack Obama to cash in on birth certificate theory but it's not ok to let a joke go from Mitt Romney at a campaign rally in his home state. Remember, this is the man who, as President of the United States, has made reference to an incident decades old concerning the Romney family dog on the station wagon's roof at a campaign rally of his own.

     This president is a thin-skinned egomaniac. I welcome Mitt Romney's jokes.

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