Thursday, October 26, 2006

Who'll Stop the Rain

Remember that song, "Who'll Stop the Rain"? I can't remember which band did it but it's going through my mind as I sit here sipping my coffee and listening to the rain coming down. It's still dark out. I'm glad Max and I got up when we did so the newspapers are dry and Max doesn't have to cross his legs.

Not a whole lot of anything going on today. The highlight will be lunch with two women with whom I enjoy friendships of many years. Both met through son's school years in elementary and middle school. Both active in being hands-on moms and both perpetual volunteers like me. Neither are much interested in politics.

So, having children gives us an added bonus of expanding our circle of friends, doesn't it? These two women and I did a lot of volunteering for the school library. That was my favorite place to hang out and pick up the slack. It was a small private school with only one librarian who had no paid staff. Volunteers were essential to keep the place going. And the Book Fairs, well, good times and good memories.

President Bush held a terrific press conference yesterday. He was clear and solid speaking about Iraq. I had lunch last Saturday with my old elementary school days friend, our monthly lunch to stay in touch, and she always gives me the prospective from the ground there. Her husband is there in Baghdad, moving down to Basrah for two weeks now, and they talk twice a day on the international cell phones they have purchased to stay in touch. He is non-military and that's all I'm allowed to say.

To be sure, things on the ground are a mess right now. Ramaden was intentionally violent. The forces of death and destruction there are quite intelligent about what will play on the evening news. It's all about the U.S. losing the war by losing the will of her people. We have yet to lose a battle by the military.

I did my early voting yesterday, as planned. The turnout while I was there was steady and all the machines available for use where occupied with everyone arriving having to wait a bit. That's good news in my book. I do not understand when folks say they don't vote. It is our responsibility and our obligation in a free society. Those soldiers did not die in vain.

"The power of liberty will defeat the ideology of hate." President George W. Bush


CGHill said...

"And I wonder,
still I wonder,
who'll stop the rain?"

Creedence Clearwater Revival, entirely too many years ago.

Beverly said...

The rain is never right, is it. It's either too much, or not enough. That's the way it is in Florida anyway.

I have so many friends that I made during my childrens' school years that I treasure.

Anonymous said...

yep, CCR. I saw them live too.

When I was active in school volunteering, I was the oldest mother in the class. My daughter's best first grade friend's mom was only 24, while I was almost 36. We still had fun together though. I treasure those activities too.

Every year there's extra violence during Ramadan. And we hear that it is coming for weeks in advance. I guess the tactic is working.

srp said...

More rain? The fall in Mississippi was always rainy. I think it is supposed to rain here tomorrow and tonight it does not seem as cold as last night so ... rain it is.

Don't float away!

Me said...

You should be flogged for getting THAT song stuck in my head this morning.

ugh. I really hate that song.