Did you hear the story about the postal carrier who was attacked by a squirrel? She was delivering the mail to a home and the squirrel in the yard ran up her pant leg and on up her shirt to her neck. The squirrel clawed her neck before she could grab it by the tail and stop the attack. She was treated for the clawing and given a rabies shot.
The squirrel went postal.
My dog, Max, was sleeping on the sofa when this story came on the tv screen. Max fancies himself the greatest squirrel chaser ever. I guess he heard the word, squirrel, and sat straight up on the sofa. He looked at the tv screen as they put up pictures of two different squirrels. I swear this happened. It was amusing. He just sat there staring at the screen while the squirrel photos were on it.
On a different twist of a squirrel story, the liberal politically active organization, ACORN, strikes again. In what is being called the biggest voter registration fraud operation in a quarter of a century, 4 ACORN workers have been indicted in Missouri. They were quite creative, but, alas were caught and now will be prosecuted. This investigation is continuing on in a half dozen other states. In the city of St. Louis alone the number of voter registrations questioned is over 5,000.
Howard Dean, the failed presidental primary candidate from 2004, now head of the DNC, says that requiring that voters show identification at polling places before casting ballots is voter suppression on black voters. Classic Dean, isn't it? I demand polling workers look at id's if the voter registration card is not produced by a potential voter. Are you kidding me? What can an adult do in everyday life without proper id? Get a driver's license? Banking transactions? License your pet? Make purchases with a credit card? Register a child for anything? Buy a home? Rent an apartment?
Get real. I think it is a travesty that id is not mandatory in all 50 states to vote. I'm like that.
So, Senator John Kerry, who should immediately resign his office, posted a half-assed apology on his website yesterday afternoon after being pounded by both sides of the aisle. He was all in your face with the press conference from Seattle and saying "I apology to no one" then meekly posts a kind of apology on the internet.
Stand up an be a man, Senator Kerry. Those mean Republicans didn't have a thing to do with your hideous remark smearing the American military, again. You dug this hole all by yourself. And now your chance of running again for president in 2008 is long gone.
Nice job.
"You can't say, "I support the troops but hate the cause, because that's why they signed up." - Tony Snow
Kerry is just so UN manly. That pathetic apology online. I just recoil.
When I go to vote, the poll workers, and this is a tiny community where they already know who you are, look me up on the list. Often they don't ask for id, because they've just said hello and called me by name, but once in a while its a newbie and they DO, not a voter reg card necessarily, but a DL. Then I have to sign a list to get another form to hand to the person at the voting machine. What on earth is the big deal?
When my bank, same little town scenario, asks me for ID when I want to withdraw cash, I'm GLAD! I want them to check.
Common sense is in such short supply. I've never understood the *unfairness* argument.
Ah yes, the New York Times that cesspool of liberal idiots. All I have to add about Kerry is ketchup, ketchup, ketchup all over his face. What a jerk!
I don't understand how Kerry, Dean, Kennedy and crew can come off like saints when they talk about the middle class and the poor and how they want to help them increase their income while taking from the wealthy. They accuse Republicans of being the party of the rich. How do they do this when they are the wealthiest of the wealthy. George Soros who gives millions to the Democrats is one of the richest men in the world. Actors who are by far Democratic make two, three, four million dollars a movie, or more. I don't get it. If I worked all my life, even being a physician, I wouldn't make five million dollars, or own four or five homes in exotic areas like Oprah.
I just don't see how they can do such a snow job on ordinary people.
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