Monday, October 29, 2007

Sarkozy Slaps Stahl

So, who's not loving French President Sarkozy this morning? I heart him. He is a finger in the eye of the elites in this country bemoaning the alleged fact that no one likes us anymore. Pouting that Europeans say mean things about the U.S. Is this anything new? No, of course not. The leaders of other countries like to jab us and act as though they are the forward thinking leaders of the future, yet we know the score. We are the only country on the face of the planet who can help others in a big way during their time of need.

Chirac pulled his stunts and tried his best to look like a tough guy when the going got rough. When it became clear that the administration of George W. Bush was serious about removing Saddam, our national policy of regime change in Iraq since 1998 to be enforced, then those on the take, receiving kickbacks and bribes from the corrupt Iraqi government squawked. We'll not help the imperialist, nation building U.S., they said.

Then the Oil for Food scandal finally broke. Even CNN and the other defeatist networks had to report about that one after others shamed them into doing it. The U.N.? Worthless. Unless, of course, you think their mission is to send peacekeepers to hot spots who turn around and rape and brutalize the very women and children they are suppose to be protecting. Unless you think their mission is to be bribed and blackmailed by the bad guys. Unless you think it's ok for the 'security council' to be chock full of the very torturers and dictators the world would like to be rid of. Accuse the U.S. of torturing? Please.

So, Sarkozy is elected by a big margin in France to take the helm. Guess what? He likes the U.S. and wants France to embrace some of our principles. He wants to help fight corruption and tyranny on the world stage. He doesn't seem to expect the administration to come groveling for forgiveness for foreign policy. Interesting.

Sarkozy is confusing the elites in our country, big time. Why does he come to New Hampshire to vacation when he has fabulous Europe at his disposal, like the elites from America, who are so sophisticated and love to hop the pond. Why does he not try to ingratiate himself to American media? He chastised American photographers as they intruded on his family vacation in New Hampshire. Then, he got up and walked out on Leslie Stahl, as the interview last night on 60 Minutes showed. It was great.

Here's Sarkozy, not in the mood for a tv interview with Leslie Stahl and fussing at his press secretary about arranging it on a very busy day. That should have been Stahl's first clue. But no, she nags Sarkozy that it's all set up and why is he so testy?

She is told in advance to not ask about the impending divorce with his wife, who left him two years ago in the midst of an affair with another man but came back to Sarkozy to reconcile last year. It didn't work, obviously, and they were in process of divorcing when this interview was taped. So, what does Stahl do? Yeah, as she gets into the interview and realizes she'll not be getting any America bashing, or more specifically, Bush bashing from him, she goes for the marriage questioning. He politely declines to answer. She continues to push. So, he stands and leaves the room. Interview over. She's sitting there like the fool she is. Priceless.

Why, how dare this man not answer this arrogant American reporter's question. Personal questions about his private life. Aren't these the same folks who defended the Clinton marriage and insisting it was not any one's business?

Time spent watching the interview : about 10 minutes.
Sarkozy's handling of Stahl? Worth every minute.


Anonymous said...

if it is a liberal who is having any troubles at all, be they marital, extra-marital, homosexual, etc., then the issue is out of bounds to the media. anyone bringing it up is just a jerk who is trying to use someone's personal issues for political fodder.

if it is a conservative having even a shadow of the same trouble as the liberal, it's all part and parcel of why that person is a bad person. conservatives are entitled to no separation of public life vs. private life.

sarkozy was great last night. even our czech exchange student got a laugh from it...

found you through otto's place at american interests. this is a nice place you have here; great posts and good information. thanks!

Conservative Belle said...

Good for Sarkozy.

Incognito said...

Oh, wish I'd seen this...!! I love Sarkozy... have from day one... said from day one he was going to be great for france and us. glad he's proving me right.. at least so far. :-)

Beverly said...

I am so sorry that I missed that. Thanks, Karen, for keeping me in the know on so many things. :-)

Michael said...

It's too bad I don't get 60 Minutes here; I'd've liked to see that.

It's about time someone slapped down an overly nosy telejournalist.

Anonymous said...

I stopped watching 60 Minutes several years ago - just couldn't stand it anymore.

Wish I had watched it this week - absolutely priceless.

AC said...

I am fixing to shut down, install new memory and my new OS. I wanted to say Happy Halloween to you too, before I go, in case I don't make it back from my endeavors.

I thought of you this morning, I heard some ridiculous thing on the news and thought, "That'll get Karen going!" now I've forgotten what it was!!! You'll tell me when the time is right.

What do you think of Kucinich and his UFO? In some ways I am way less bothered by that than I am Hillary's plan to bankrupt anyone working with higher taxes. Kucinich invoked Jimma which made me laugh and laugh.