Monday, February 06, 2006

Much Ado About Nothing

Because of the number of leaks coming out of Congress today, our national security has been placed in serious jeopardy. Because no more than 10 actual cases of electronic surveillance per year since 2001 have occurred, the Senate judiciary committee is now grilling Alberto Gonzales, Attorney General, on a highly sensitive program. The CIA director, Porter Goss, Friday testified that the leaked information of this program in question has now put our allies on the spot and they no longer have confidence that the US can be trusted with classified information overseas. Nice.

Because the Democrats can not be trusted with national security, the American people overwhelming support this administration's position on using FISA and the Constitutional authority granted to a US President during a time of war. The Democrats still have not learned this lesson and will continue to be the minority party in 2006.

Because essential members of the congressional intelligence committees were briefed on the limited use of the warrantless surveillance program and did not question the legitimacy of said use, unserious politicians like Jay Rockefeller, D-WVA, now say they showed "concern" with the legality of the President's power in this arena. He claims he gave a hand-written note on loose leaf paper stating his "concern" to VP Cheney, but this note was only recently remembered by him and he will not produce any reproduction of it for verification.

Because this constitutional authority provided the President during a time of war goes all the way back to George Washington and his surveillance on the Brits, and only goes into place with one party communicating from overseas, most Americans shake their collective heads in disgust that it is being used as a political football by the party of no. The party that has no new ideas to policies they do not support soley because the administration does support them. Hatred of the opposition has so blinded common sense that reasonable debates are few and far between.

I would love for someone to ask Teddy Kennedy if he approved of his brother, Robert Kennedy, as Attorney General during JFK's administration, wiretapping Martin Luther King's phone calls domestically during those days. Domestic wiretapping of citizens in this country - very different than the program in question now.

And speaking of football, I watched the Super Bowl halftime show with hubby last night. It was lame. The sound system was not up to the job and the performers were not clearly heard. The Rolling Stones were just sad. I love their music and have for 40 years but please. Even my husband asked what was wrong with Mick's voice. I had to tell him it was Mick's age and not the tv reception. Also, as this is a purely All American event, was there no American band available to perform as the big headliner? Just asking.

"True humility doesn't consist of thinking ill of yourself but of not thinking of yourself much differently from the way you'd be apt to think of anybody else". - Federick Buechner

1 comment:

srp said...

The Democratic party is so blinded by hate towards Bush that they no longer care about the citizens they were elected to protect.

If someone I thought might be calling my phone from outside the US even in error and it seemed sketchy to me, I would call the feds and ask them to tap my phone. It might at least get rid of all these people calling to sell things even though the number is already on the no-call list.