Wednesday, March 29, 2017

I Went To A Texas Congressman's Town Hall Last Weekend - Here's What I Learned

I attended Rep. John Culberson's town hall last Saturday and wrote about for Independent Journal Review. It's up now online.

We are at a crucial time in a Republican majority district in Texas, whether leadership wants to acknowledge it or not. The other side is energized and organized. They won this round.

Friday, March 17, 2017

McMullin Jumps the Shark in Trump Derangement Syndrome

Have you heard of Stand Up Republic?  That's a rhetorical question - of course you haven't heard of this PAC. Co-Founders Evan McMullin and Mindy Finn have started up this vehicle to raise money and try to remain relevant in their disapproval of the Trump presidency.

From the website:
"Evan McMullin and Mindy Finn founded Stand Up Republic to help Americans stand up in defense of the fundamental principles that have made this country the true home of liberty and a source of hope for many around the world. Stand Up Republic will build and organize a grassroots movement in defense of liberty, equality, and truth in America. Our priorities will be to uphold the Constitution and defend the democratic norms and institutions upon which the protection of our basic rights depend."
Boilerplate wording at best. 

You may remember Evan McMullin, failed candidate for President. He entered the race at the eleventh hour solely to disrupt Trump's victory. He was the 2016 version of Ross Perot, without the 20% of the national vote Perot received.

McMullin was recruited to stop Trump by the hard core #NeverTrump people. His big play was to go all-in in Utah, his home state. The result? Even his own state's voters didn't want him. He finished third behind Trump and Hillary. Ouch.

Since election night, McMullin regularly tweets out snarky comments about Trump and his supporters - which include about half of Americans. He is firmly in the camp of the other half of America and aligns quite easily with the left side of the aisle. I guess that is what is meant by describing himself as an Independent. His tweets have gotten to be so tedious and pedestrian that now even some #NeverTrump people openly mock his efforts. His latest rhetoric accuses Trump supporters of being racists. Finn falls for the same tactic. How lame. It's like Obama's era and his opponents being called racists for any disagreement with him.

On March 15, 2017 @Evan_McMullin tweeted "Tonight in Tennessee, Trump promotes the policies of white nationalism to chants of "USA! USA!" These are not the values of our nation." And this: "I fear that America's youth, experiencing politics for the first time under Trump, risk never understanding fundamental American ideals."

On March 12, 2017 Co-Founder @mindyfinn tweeted "With shroud of political correctness lifted, we learn the ugly truth about what some "conservatives" believe. Ethno-nationalism is racism."

The next four (maybe eight) years will be filled with accusations of white nationalism and racist charges against Trump voters and anyone working with the Trump administration to move this country forward. First it was the word 'authoritarian' being lodged against Trump. That hasn't worked out so well so now, just like Democrats, they fall into calling reasonable people racists. How dumb is it to say that chanting "USA! USA!" is un-American?

A much stronger argument would be to actually put up a policy decision or Executive Order signed and present an opposing opinion. What exactly has Trump done to warrant such disapproval? I'm talking policy, not execution of policy decisions. The Trump administration is slowly finding it's legs and getting its cabinet and staffing in place. Too slowly for my patience, but that's another story.

Here's the sad truth - Republicans are slurred as racists, no matter who is in the White House. It is particularly disgusting coming from people who claimed to be part of the party at one time and were making a living off the party. Those who leave and seek validation by aligning with the other side deserve scorn and not support. If they are so firm in their values and principles of liberty and freedom, they would know that part of that is to accept free elections and respect the American voter, even when they don't agree with the outcome.

That is America.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

'SNL' Trashes Ivanka Trump for Supporting Her Father

I began watching Saturday Night Live in its first season - then called NBC's Saturday Night. In 1975, as a teenager, I thought the show and its original cast was one of the best on television. John Belushi, Dan Ackroyd, Jane Curtin, Gilda Radner, and Chevy Chase. One of the writers was Al Franken, now a U.S. Senator (what are you thinking, Minnesota?). No one was safe from zings and ridicule, though it was comedy-centric, not ugly and partisan and heavy on contempt as it is today.

I haven't been a regular viewer in many years. As time marched on, the show went through regular changes in cast and writers. Frankly, the show isn't funny anymore. Unless you are a far left-leaning young person, I find it difficult to believe you think it's funny. There are no skits anymore that will live on as classics as there were in the first seasons. Coneheads, anyone?

By 2008, writer and comedian Tina Fey found a success in boosting her career by portraying Sarah Palin, John McCain's V.P. choice. It appeared to conservatives that the show had taken a real turn into overt campaigning.  The show has taken great glee in lampooning the rise of Donald Trump in politics. Actor Alec Baldwin now plays Trump by exaggerating his facial expressions and wearing a wig. Baldwin likes to portray Trump as stupid and incompetent. Ironically, the island Baldwin lives on in New York has lots of square footage owned by Trump. Maybe stupid isn't the best criticism.

Last night, First Daughter Ivanka Trump was mocked for her support of her father. In the world of the Democrats, a Republican president's kids are fair game. In this case, Ivanka is a successful businesswoman in her own right. When Trump won the party's nomination, many retail outlets refused to continue to carry his goods in their stores. Now Ivanka Trump is facing the same kind of opposition. Major retail chains are seeking publicity for phasing out her line of clothing, accessories, shoes and perfume. The best part, though? Trump supporters and thoughtful conservatives are punching back by using conscious consumerism - her goods are being purchased at a whole new level of enthusiasm. While not in some retail stores any longer, they are found online and that makes it very easy for today's busy woman. What woman doesn't enjoy a bit of retail therapy at the end of a long day?

Guest host Scarlett Johansson (her 5th appearance in that capacity) did a mock commercial appearing as Ivanka Trump promoting a cologne called "Complicit". It's ugly and mocks her for supporting her father. Did I miss the skits mocking Chelsea Clinton for supporting her father after his behavior towards women was exposed?

Watch the YouTube for yourself.

Recently I hear from more and more Republican Women club members who encourage others to purchase Ivanka's items. Seems like the thing to do. Let the others read the retail sales numbers and weep.

Wednesday, March 08, 2017

#ADAYWITHOUTWOMEN Ironically Fails Women

Today is International Women's Day. Are you wearing red today, ladies? Yeah. Me, neither. The malcontents on the left have organized a Day Without Women and it is as ridiculous and ambiguous as it sounds. Apparently what the women on the left side of the aisle want is a day off. The attempt is being made to garner attention to the challenges faced by women in the working world and life in general.

International Women's Day is "a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women." That website description of the day, however, flies in the face of the liberal takeover of messaging in America, 2017. Today the message is stay home, don't participate.

Not only is the message garbled - what exactly the message is isn't clear - but it is a completely elitist, privileged, aging feminist idea gone wrong. The unintended consequences are rising and one thing is clear - these women do not speak for me.

Stay home, women, and work from home today is one message. That is a rallying cry from some out of touch leftists. Work from home to fight Trump is their idea. It's for democracy, whatever that means. How big of a self-indulgent bubble does a woman have to be in to think most women have that luxury - to just decide to work from home when it suits their political agenda? Most women simply do not have that option.

At a time of uncertainty in the labor market, is it really moral to ask women to risk their livelihood to make a lame political statement? In the real world, if someone doesn't show up for work, she is fired.

As noted in this article, even schools are being allowed to close so that their unionized teachers can have a vacation day, at the expense of working moms and the education of their children.
"Several school districts across the country are closing to allow staff and teachers the chance to participate. While some people in those communities applauded district leadership for the show of solidarity, others criticized them for leaving working families scrambling to find childcare."

In North Carolina last week, the decision was made to shut down a school district instead of denying teachers the day off. This is the world in which we live.
"While Chapel Hill-Carroboro City Schools values and supports its female employees, the decision to close schools is not a political statement,” interim Superintenent Jim Causby wrote to parents. “It is entirely about the safety of students and the district’s inability to operate with a high number of staff absences.”
The problem with that justification by cowardly school administrators is that the truth is missing - the decision for the teachers and staff to skip work today is, indeed, a political decision. Leftists don't want to accept Donald Trump as president and the temper tantrums continue.

Working women, single parents, school children all fall victim to the selfish decision of a few. In the world of bitter liberals, a few decide and everyone else is to fall into line. Today has traditionally been one of the celebration of women. The left wants to make it a day for women to play victim instead of providing an uplifting and encouraging message. Instead of projecting a message of encouragement and empowerment to young girls, the message delivered today is one of encouraging dropping out and playing victim. This is an embarrassment to all women who show up every day and do the work - especially to conservative feminists.

Remember - this is an international day of recognition. American liberals are so into themselves that, ironically, they continue to miss the big picture. Instead of dropping out of real life today in America, how about making a statement against the atrocities and abuses of women in countries that do not respect them as human beings? How about recognizing the girls in countries that do not allow them to go to school, based on their gender? How about recognizing women who must go about daily life without the ability to drive themselves or shop alone without a male escort or voice an opinion in public? How about recognizing women who must cover themselves from head to toe in forced modesty in observance of ancient religious tenets? How about recognizing women subjected to honor killings or public stoning?

There is no such thing as a day without women, any more than there is a day without men or a day without children. Women run households, are the family caregivers, balance careers and personal lives, educate the next generation, own businesses and meet payrolls, hold political office, and serve in the armed forces as they strive to lead good lives one day at a time. Liberal women hijacking a day of celebration miss the point of real equality and feminism - women living the life that best suits their needs and those of their families. American women live in freedom and opportunity. The mixed messages from #ADayWithoutWomen in 2017 will be tossed on the garbage heap of history.

By the way, the slogan for today is #BeBoldForChange, not wimp out and stay home.

There is, indeed, discrimination in today's America. I've felt it, as has every woman alive. Women of my generation have seen amazing progress in American society as it relates to men and women and how we all live in the world together. None of this has been won, though, by staying home and dropping out. We show up every day and just do it. That's how change is made.

Sunday, March 05, 2017

Whoopi Goldberg to Carryn Owens: You're Just Looking for Attention

This is today's hideous left. Celebrities and liberal political pundits could not wait to appear on talk shows to criticize this SEAL's widow. Carryn Owens' pain and grief was impossible to not feel as she rose upon recognition from President Trump during his Joint Address to Congress Tuesday night. The level of Trump Derangement Syndrome so early into the president's first term is palpable.

Bitter Hillary Clinton supporter Whoopi Goldberg is not alone in her smear of the grieving widow. As regular, decent, patriotic Americans felt tears welling in their own eyes, the likes of Michael Moore, Bill Maher, were jotting down outrageously cruel statements that would garner notice from their pals in the media after President Trump's speech. The speech was overwhelmingly well accepted and praised by the majority of people on both sides of the aisle so the far left went on the defense.

Ultra left filmmaker Rob Reiner said, “It was cringe-worthy ... talk about using someone as a prop. It was disgraceful.”

Hillary Clinton volunteer Dan Grilo: “Sorry, Owens' wife, you're not helping yourself or your husband's memory by standing there and clapping like an idiot. Trump just used you.” Then the coward apologized and deleted his Twitter account.

On MSNBC's Hardball Bill Maher said, "I wasn't crazy about the response to that," Maher said. "I wish she hadn't allowed herself to be used as his prop like that.
"And I don't see any great courage here. Where is the courage? Who wouldn't stand and applaud for a war widow?" What he didn't bother noting was the fact that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and DNC deputy chairman Rep. Keith Ellison didn't stand for Mrs. Owens. They were not alone in their hideous partisanship towards a grieving widow.

From here:
"Michael Moore echoed Maher's statements, saying Owens' death was the "result of a dinner Trump had with his son-in-law and a political hack," referring to Jared Kushner and Steve Bannon." (Except the raid was planned by Obama and his people and left for the new administration, due to conditions at night when the raid would take place.) "That’s why she's there, as sort of an 'f-you' to the people who are criticizing him for this," Moore said. "And this poor woman, this widow who has lost her husband, she is in desperate grief right now. "And to use that to put another notch on his belt -- and what is he thinking about? 'My ratings. Record Applause. I'm going to get an Emmy for this, most applause for a dead soldier on my watch!'""This is the sickness of this man," Moore concluded.
You get the picture. The left and their willing allies - the #NeverTrump hold-outs - are so Trump deranged just 5 weeks into his administration that Hollywood can not even show some human decency to a 36 year old war widow. Democrat politicians acting like they have lost their minds are simply a reflection of their voters.
