Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Health Care Compact Vote in TX Legislature

Fellow Texans, we have a rallying cry.

The time is now. In order to allow Texans to determine our own health care, it is time to speak up to your state legislators. On Wednesday, a vote is scheduled in the House of Representatives on HB5 - the Health Care Compact bill. Let them hear from you before that vote. Tell them that, yes, Texans want to decide on their own health care decisions. Since January, conservative groups and organizations have been working with the Health Care Compact Alliance to fight against Obamacare in our state.

You can go HERE to check it out for yourself. The mission is to: "Create accountability, innovation, and flexibility by putting citizens in control of their health care through an interstate compact".

Texas could be a leading state to pass the Health Care Compact if we show our Legislators how important it is for Texans to have control over their own health care. We all realize a one size fits all approach to something as personal as health care is no way to go. Plus, the more we learn about Obamacare, the less we agree with its approach.

Listen to Rep Van Taylor on the health care compact HERE

You can track the HB 5 HERE.

Call now. Don't mess with Texas.

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