Sunday, June 05, 2011

FLOTUS Fashion Faux Pas in Europe

First Lady Michelle Obama enjoys the adoration of the Washington fashion police and frankly, it is something that has been lost on me. The fact that she used to shop at Target and J. Crew and other retail outlets doesn't seem praiseworthy to me, it's just normal.

This photo is from the recent vacation to Europe with her husband, President Obama, on the story line that they were there to attend the G8 summit. This was not their first meeting with the Queen of England and you would think that Mrs. Obama would have picked up on a few clues along the way. Not only was she the only woman that was not wearing a hat - ok, she's an ignorant American - but she wore a skirt that flew up in the wind, exposing her undergarment.


What if Laura Bush or Hillary Clinton had been caught like that? Both of them were taunted in the press for lack of style in clothing yet neither had this kind of moment on the international stage. And, the press would have plastered the picture everywhere, above the fold. No such worries for my belle, Michelle.

With her newly filled bank accounts, it would seem to me that Michelle Obama could well afford a decent stylist who could let her know when it's windy outside, and to help her dress accordingly.

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