Saturday, September 10, 2011

Conservatives of Texas UT Chapter Honor Victims of 9/11/01

The Young Conservatives of Texas UT Chapter hopes that no one will forget the impact of the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001. In keeping with their annual memorial, YCT-UT will be on the South Mall of the UT campus at 5:30 am on Saturday, September 10th to place American flags, one for each of the 2,977 victims of that days terror attacks.

Jenna White, Chairman of the UT chapter, explains why YCT chose to create the memorial and why Americans should never forget the events of that day: “On the tenth anniversary of the tragic events of September 11th, 2001, it’s as important as ever to remember that day. I hope the memorial serves as a sober reminder to all students and passers-by of the people who lost their lives and of the heroism that first responders displayed when they sacrificed themselves to save the lives of people they would never know.”

All members of the UT community are invited to join in installing the memorial and are encouraged to come by the South Lawn to see it on Saturday and Sunday.

Kudos to young conservatives coming together and paying tribute to those lost on 9/11/01 in their community.

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