Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Harris County GOP Candidates In Contested Primary Races: Endorsement Process Has Begun

Are you a Republican candidate in a contested primary race in Harris County for the 2016 election cycle?  It's time to sign up for an interview with United Republicans of Harris County.  The Board of Directors is reaching out to candidates as the filing deadline has passed.

The process has recently been streamlined and online registration is available.  Just go to http://unitedrepublicansharriscounty.com/Endorsement-Process-2016 and choose a convenient date and time from those listed.  Easy, peasy.

Are you a first time candidate?  Here's a little background from the website:

United Republicans has been a much recognized part of the Republican Primary with our extensive endorsement process.  In the hope of providing ethical and well qualified nominees for our Party, our endorsements are much sought after by candidates running for office.  Our hands on process of interviewing candidates in person and providing them with questionnaires regarding their qualifications makes us unique to the political process.  We are the ONLY such organization in Harris County that has continually and consistently provided a venue for candidates to be considered fairly based on merit, qualifications, and participation in the Republican Party.  We are the ONLY organization in Harris County to interview candidates in person as part of our selection process.  Our Board Members literally spend hours researching candidates before endorsements are issued in order to provide you the voter with the best possible recommendations.  We are proud of our accomplishment of being the only endorsing entity in Harris County to have chosen the Winning Congressional Candidate in all of the open Congressional seats in our greater Houston region.

The process is fair, with extensive research and a huge commitment of time by the members of the Board of Directors.  The slate of endorsements produced by United Republicans is well established as a well respected source of information for GOP primary voters.

Interview dates and times are available as soon as January 7, 2015 through the website: http://unitedrepublicansharriscounty.com/Endorsement-Process-2016

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