Thursday, January 26, 2012

Giffords Resigns from Congress

The resignation letter tendered by Rep. Gabby Giffords to Speaker of the House Boehner Wednesday morning is HERE.

She deserves the respect and attention she is receiving on Capitol Hill as she leaves office. A former Republican, she represents Arizona as a Democrat who reaches across the aisle to work with others not in her own party. That is something sorely needed in Washington, D.C. today. She is a happy warrior.

Giffords is leaving to pursue full time physical rehabilitation, her daily routine since the tragic shooting that took place January 8, 2011. She promised to be back and to serve again. Her ability to walk and the inability to use her right arm hinders her ability to walk on her own. She performs just fine with assistance.

Rep Jeff Flake, a conservative Republican representing Arizona, too, helped Giffords during the State of the Union address as he escorted her into the speech and he helped her stand when she wished to show support for what the president was saying. He was usually the only Republican standing during these times. Wednesday, he held her hand as Rep Debbie Wasserman-Schultz read her resignation letter aloud.

It is safe to say that there was not a dry eye in the House. Her husband, former astronaut Mark Kelly was in the gallery to watch.

Godspeed to Gabby Giffords as she continues to rehabilitate in Houston.

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