Monday, July 01, 2013

Senator Cruz And Tea Party Leaders Describe IRS Abuses

Monday in Houston, meeting first with Tea Party leaders targeted by the IRS and then with media, bloggers and supporters in a packed room at the Free Enterprise Institute, Senator Ted Cruz announced an email address for anyone who has a story to tell.  His office will collect the responses and he will continue on with his work demanding those who participated and their higher-ups in the IRS be held accountable.  

People from around the state gathered and listened to the Tea Party stories and to Senator Cruz speak out against the overreach of our federal government.  

"Truth has a clarifying effect", said Senator Cruz.

Here is the press release from the event today with Senator Ted Cruz:

Sen. Cruz Joins Tea Party Leaders to Call for Fundamental Tax Reform; Abolition of IRS
HOUSTON, TX -- U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) today called for fundamental tax reform in order to abolish the IRS and put an end to its abuse of everyday American citizens. He urged Texans who believe they may have been targeted by the IRS to
"IRS targeting of American citizens is a threat and challenge, but also an inspiration," said Cruz. "It is an inspiration that these leaders are standing up. It is a threat that the federal government is targeting, not big corporations or lobbyists, but normal American citizens that are standing up for liberty. It is a challenge that we all face to limit the power of Washington."
Sen. Cruz called for the abolition of the IRS saying, "After these revelations of political targeting by the IRS, we need to padlock and shut down the building, abolish the IRS, and move to a flat tax or the FAIR Tax."
Tea party leaders that joined the Senator included:
Ken Emanuelson, Dallas Tea Party
Catherine Englebrecht, King Street Patriots & True the Vote
Robert “Gonzo” Gonzalez, Clear Lake Tea Party
Darcy Kahrhoff, Katy Tea Party
George Rodriguez, San Antonio Tea Party
Toby Marie Walker, Waco Tea Party

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