Friday, September 15, 2006


Two women of note have left us this week. I note their passings with these remarks:

Ann Richards died Wednesday in Austin. A former governor of the State of Texas, she is remembered for her sharp tongue and opening doors for women in Texas state politics. She conquered addictions to perscription drugs and alcohol and went on to rise to the top in the world of politics. She mentored and encouraged women to enter politics at all levels. I had very little in common with her, politically, but I respect how she persued her passions.

Last night brought the passing of Oriana Fallaci. If this name does not ring a bell with you, I strongly encourage you to read a book or two of her's and you will marvel at her strength as a human being. Oriana Fallaci was an Italian writer, a well known war correspondent and passionately opposed to the fanatic Muslims who have hijacked the religion of Islam in today's world. Like Ann Richards, Oriana had cancer and died in her home in Florence, Italy.

Ms. Fallaci was completely open and honest in her search for truth. She stood up to powerful men of the world, Yasser Arafat, Henry Kissinger, Ayatollah Khomeini and dared them to retaliate.

She would not submit. She had a pair.

Her books were not allowed to be sold in the famous bookstore in San Francisco, City Lights, which is particularly ironic as their reputation is one of selling books no one else will sell due to controversy. They banned her books and insulted customers who came in and asked for them.

Her books: The Force of Reason, and The Rage and The Pride, are well worth your time. She was a woman of honor, integrity, and unending personal strength. She was amazing.

RIP, ladies.

1 comment:

Beverly said...

I thought I commented here earlier. Ann Richards certainly was a colorful one. And I haven't heard of the other lady. I will check out her books. They sound like books that should be read.