Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Wrap Up

And now I have gotten to the bottom of the emergence of my troll. I guess all those formative years of reading Nancy Drew mysteries has paid off. My mamaw, who got me hooked on them, would be proud.

I simply could not figure out, how after all of this time of blogging, all of a sudden a troll pops up telling me what an awful, war monger, racist, idiot I am. I didn't know what brought it on.

In the last comments of his he finally referenced my alleged bad behavior. He claims I have been spewing forth on a blog run through the website of the Houston Chronicle. So, I checked it out. I do have the Chronicle on my blogroll as I do look at one, only one, section of blogs there. It's the political blogs (duh) and I only read one of the 4 offered there. Frankly I had no idea who this person was and what he blogged about.

Well, he's a cartoonist, of the political cartoon variety. I don't look at cartoons, political or comic strip kind. I've never been interested in cartoons, even as a kid. And the trolly is right, this person is truly vile in her comments. I traced comments back to August and found what must have set Trolly off. And her name is Karen. She doesn't use a website with her name, though... That's the first clue. I always have my name and blog site listed in comments I leave on blogs.

I don't leave negative comments. I don't see the point. I don't engage in the blogs that go back and forth in discussion (argument) form. I don't have the patience for it, or the attention span to remember who said what and keep up.

It's silly, really, to waste time on blogs that you know will only irritate you. I feel guilty enough with the time I spend in front of a computer screen as it is now, I sure don't need to spend time even more uselessly. No one is going to change anyone else's mind anyway. No one is going to change this old girl's mind, that's for sure!

Also, I am somewhat offended that trolley would link my style of writing with the other Karen's comments. It is simply not the tone of my blog. Anyone can spew, it doesn't take much intellectual effort to blast forth with ugly statements.

I do support the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, so maybe that makes me a war monger. I'm not racist, or stupid, thank you very much. And I am not a liar, if anything I get into trouble with frequency for being too honest and not filtering thoughts out before they leave my mouth.

So, trolly, you owe me a very large apology. My name is not so unusual that there would be more than one women with it in the nation's fourth largest city.



Me said...

If he eats crow I'll be surprised, but I knew it wasn't you.

1) You don't hide. Ever.
2) You don't bash other peoples blogs.
3) You talk about your beliefs on your blog... they can come here to read you. ;)
4) You aren't the 'comic' kind of girl (neither am I).

He does owe you an apology. Does he think there is only ONE karen in the universe? LOL.

Beverly said...

I'm glad you were able to figure that all out.

srp said...

Maybe he will disappear back into the woodwork, never to be seen or heard by anyone ever again. If only all our problem people would do that.