Al Gore is out and about promoting a movie made from his book, "An Inconvenient Truth". The movie is not exactly rocketing to number one in box office sales but still, it has the support of all the usual suspects and Al is enjoying a renewed popularity. There is talk of a political comeback for ole Al now, maybe another presidential run in 2008.
"An Inconvenient Truth" is all about Al's theory of global warming. Unlike the internet, Al Gore did not invent global warming. You would think that someone who has touted his theory for as many years as Gore would have some solutions by now. Alas, no. It boils down to that old chestnut, oil bad, do not drive your car you evil person you.
Al Gore was in Cannes for the famous film festival recently and as is often the case was found to be a little less than genuine about the human race changing its habits. He and his entourage rode in 5, count 'em 5, SUV's the distance of 500 meters from the hotel to the theatre. This action was justified as "normal practice" for events in Cannes.
Do as I say, not as I do.
Al Gore was the guy in the Clinton administration who insisted the president open up the Strategic Reserve to provide Americans with cheaper gas just before he ran in 2000. Nevermind personal principles when you are running for the big one, I guess.
Al Gore insists the evil Republicans are destroying the world and they still won't come on board with the Kyoto Treaty. Well, the president he served didn't sign the treaty, either. It is a bad agreement unless you really want the U.S. to pay for cleaning up the world's environment and stop factory production in this country.
Al Gore is surely a big fan of science fiction. We know he flunked out of Divinity school at Vanderbilt University. Does he want to be a presidential candidate promising the electorate the big government solution to all of our problems or does he want to extol the virtues of his brilliant intellect with his opinion on climate change?
Decisions, decisions.
Heh...I think not.
Bless his heart, he just doesn't have the smarts going on upstairs. Some people just aren't cut out for this, and he (Gore) is one of them.
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