Friday, December 02, 2005

Friday Flashes

No, I don't know where the title of this comes from, my brain is still foggy and it is almost lunch time. One of those days for my old feeble mind. Need more caffeine, I suppose.

Christmas is closing in on me. Everything is under control, gift buying-wise, just that it'll be here before I'm ready. Too many chores to get done and I'm feeling the pressure. I have decided we'll be eating out as much as possible while MIL is here as it will only be the three of us with husband gone and I won't have to worry about that. I'll still do the Christmas meal, though.

Now that I am working on the Christmas cards, I have learned of any interesting project to voice my opinion ( you know how bashful I am, don't you?!) about the hubbub over the taking Christ out of Christmas thing. I'll be sending a card to the ACLU for the "Wishing You Merry Christmas" project. You can do the same:

"Wishing You Merry Christmas"
125 Broad Street
18th Floor
New York, NY 10004

I cannot believe Hollywood has made a remake of "Yours, Mine and Ours." One of my all time favorite movies. Does it get any better than Henry Fonda and Lucille Ball? I am a huge Lucy fan anyway. If this movie is crap I will be upset.

I am having my first Starbucks peppermint mocha of the season this afternoon when I pick up son from school. I'm treating us for making it through the long week. And I have had the peppermint mocha on my brain for several days now. I love it so.

I am pro-choice and pro death penalty. Surprised?


poopie said...

Not really ;) To each his own...that's why we've got chocolate and vanilla !!

AC said...

I've become attached to the Starbucks Peppermint Mocha Frappacinos! --are you having yours hot or cold? I blame my daughter for introducing me to them. She had one and I just had an iced coffee but she gave me a sip and I was a goner. I have to drive a long way for a Starbucks but I've been coming up with *reasons* to drive out thataway. Now that I'm thinking about it, I want one right now.

srp said...

Haven't tried the peppermint.
My addiction is the White Chocolate Mocha Latte to which I have them add Almond (Amaretto) flavoring. Absolutely to die for.

Karen Townsend said...

Hi all!
AC - I like mine hot.

SRP - My son's current fave is the white chocolate mocha latte, too. No almond, though.

Cowtown Pattie said...

I am most definitely a Roe fan - and I fear the coming balance of the Supreme Court will be very lopsided and as such will reverse Roe. The decision regarding a pregnancy termination should only be made between a women and her doctor. I know all the hulabaloo about informed spouses, parents, paternal donors, etc., but my own personal opinion is that the decision does not belong in a government, nor should it be a societal mandate. My body, my decision. Period.

AS to the death penalty...I have mixed feelings about that. I know that our judicial systems makes a lot of mistakes and that worries me. My initial feeling is that it is far more punishing to keep that offender in a maximum security prison than it is to give them a painless release. Does anyone really believe the death penalty prevents crimes?

On the other hand, if the crimes were more personal to me, a loved one that suffered from the hands of a rapist or murderer, then I imagine my wavering would change. I would personally perform the death penalty, complete with eye-gouging first.