Saturday, October 15, 2005

Astros Win

And the Astros win game 3 against the St. Louis Cardinals. They are 2-1 now. The crowd was nice and loud like they like it.

House is very quiet now. Hubby gone and son has gone out with girlfriend this evening. They are going to a school play to support a friend in the cast. GF's mom drove so I lucked out.

Still waiting on an answer from the journalist with the article on the local group of school kids attending the Million More March this weekend. Curious if my tax dollars are supporting this trip. I'm pretty sure I know the answer. She has until Monday to respond to my email, then I'm questioning the school district's office. To view this as a trip for "unity" is absurb, to put it mildly. I watched a bit of it on C-Span, as I couldn't take too much at a time, and was lucky enough to see Farrakhan and his daughter, too. What a treat they are to listen to and how educated I am now. They are hateful, hateful bigoted people. It speaks volumes as to the race problems in this country. My son is in public high school and they said "Happy Ramadan" during morning announcements the other day. What do you think the chances are that they will say "Merry Christmas" when the time comes? If no religion is to be allowed in schools, fine. Let's be consistent about it. Special mentions are racist and culturally bigoted. I don't think there will be a Chanukah shout-out, either.

My son is an intellectually curious human being. I am very proud of that. He has been reading since he was 3 and reads everything, just like his parents. He began studying all the different religions of the world while in elementary school out of his own curiousity. He particularly enjoys reading about Buddism and was honored to attend a Buddist wedding ceremony a couple of years ago, as my hubby had struck up a friendship with a man studying to be a monk. Living in our city, we have cultural and racial diversity out the wazoo. It's a good thing. But all those good feelings fly out the door when people try to exploit the kids to succumb to adult agendas. One child attending the "march" said he looked forward to the experience supplementing the lessons he had learned in school about social activism. I don't think my child has been offered that class. It is bad enough the history of our country and the world for that matter is being rewritten to not "offend" anyone. Please. History is history. Grow up and learn from it.

The people of Iraq voted on a Constitution today. These are brave people. The insurgents are losing and they know it now. It was never going to be a fast or easy process. Took a while for things to be established in our own country if I remember good old fashion history from my school days. The people of Iraq are getting the hang of freedom and they want to keep going on the journey. Wonder what they think of Louis Farrakhan and of Wyclef Jean (Howard Dean's favorite musical artist) saying he was thinking of FATHER SADDAM crying in his cell.

Feel the love, people, feel the love.


srp said...

The common people of Iraq and their yearn for freedom was evident today. How proudly they show their inked fingers and how brave they are to risk their lives to vote. I daresay if we had to endure such risk, there would be few willing to die for their own freedom.

Karen Townsend said...

Well said, my friend.