WARNING: This is a rant. If you do not have the stomach or patience for it, move along. There is nothing here for you. Otherwise, buckle up.
Coming soon to a town near you: An event sponsored by American Friends Service Committee, otherwise known as the Quakers. What, might you ask, are we celebrating? Why the 2000th soldier killed in Iraq. Yes, you read that right. Soon, probably in a matter of days given the sequence of events in Iraq recently, the number of lost soldiers to our country will number 2000. No one disputes this is a terrible tragedy for everyone. Free Americans owe them a debt of gratitude, as we do all who serve.
What do the Quakers have to do with this? The American Friends Service Committee has partnered up with Gold Star Families for Peace, Iraq Veterans Against the War, and Military Families Speak Out to organize and host events in 47 states so far when the 2000th soldier is killed. I think the word vulture applies here. They claim to have 258 events on board. One will be here in Houston at the WORLD WAR II VETERANS MEMORIAL. Sure, why not slander two veteran groups at once. More bang for their buck. Party on, pigs.
American Friends Service Committee claims, according to their website, there is no military solution to the Iraq war. This must come as quite a surprise to the troops on the ground there. American troops have yet to lose a battle in Iraq but when was the last time you heard that fact via the media? Oh yeah, NEVER. They claim they are working for the funding of the war to be cut off thru Congress. This leads to the biggest lie told by these ignorant and superficial people - support the troops but not the war. WHAT? Al-Jeezera loves you.
From the AFSC Values section of their website:
"We cherish the belief that there is that of God in each person, leading us to respect the worth and dignity of all. We are guided and empowered by the Spirit in following the radical thrust of the early Christian witness. From these beliefs flow the core understandings that form the spiritual framework of our organization and guide its work". Where was the God in Saddam? What about the dignity and worth of the thousands he slaughtered whenever the whim moved him?
"We accept our understandings of truth as incomplete and have faith that new perceptions of truth will continue to be revealed both to us and to others". Yes, your understandings of truth IS incomplete. Truth is truth.
"We seek to understand and address the root causes of poverty, injustice, and war. We hope to act with courage and vision in taking initiatives that may not be popular". Poverty did not have a thing to do with the terror imposed by Saddam, as he was a very wealthy man. Poverty did not have a thing to do with Bin Laden, or his suicide pilots, either. All of them were from wealthy Saudi families.
"We are called to confront, nonviolently, powerful institutions of violence, evil, oppression, and injustice. Such actions may engage us in creative tumult and tension in the process of basic change. We seek opportunities to help reconcile enemies and to facilitate a peaceful and just resolution of conflict". The U.S., your country, is evil and oppressive? To whom? In what other country are you free to spew forth whenever you so choose and gather on a public square to do so? Oh, yeah, other DEMOCRACIES. Al-Jeezra loves you.
"We find in our life of service a great adventure. We are committed to this Spirit-led journey, undertaken "to see what love can do,"and we are ever renewed by it". Love. Love of freedom, love of fellow man and woman, love of country, love of children and their future, that is what led us to Iraq in the first place. If your thought process is on such a simplistic course that you cannot even understand this fundamental thought process, then I have nothing to say to you. Where is your love for Israel? These groups all support completely the PLO and the complete destruction of Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East. Your brother Arafat, now there was a real peacemaker. You are liars.
Where was your indignation over the war in Bosnia? Somalia?
These groups provide much comfort and aid to our enemy - those who want to kill us in the name of a religion they have bastardized. Al-Jeezera loves them and uses them every chance they get. These groups did not learn anything from the lessons of Vietnam. Talk to a Vietnam vet. I live with one. Anti-war protestors led to the death of soldiers and the eventual slaughter of innocent Vietnamese when the U.S. pulled out.
Three thousand were murdered on September 11, 2001 in this country by radical Islamists filled with hate and blinded by their devotion to an evil man. Saddam allowed Bin Laden's henchmen to train at terror camps in Iraq. Saddam supported the PLO and paid suicide bombers families up to $25,000 when they blew themselves up in Israel. Saddam gased the Kurds by the thousands. Saddam invaded Kuwait in a land grab. Saddam stole money for oil to built palaces and statues of himself throughout Iraq. Saddam's sons were being groomed to suceed the old man. They used rape rooms and other assorted tortue techniques to keep the Iraqi
people under their control. My husband was in Iraq pre-war and the level of suppression and secrecy were unbearable. Women afraid to go out on the streets. Men afraid to speak freely as there was always someone nearby that would turn them into the government for money or power. Why are the Iraqis not worthy of freedom? I think God thinks it's a good thing.
Those seeking their 15 minutes of fame, a la Cindy Sheehan and her ilk dishonor all those lives lost and those serving. The time now is to stop the lies and support the troops honestly so that this mission is completed and they can come home with dignity. The beginnings of freedom in the middle east is a worthy goal. The soldiers in the service of our country are volunteers seeking to serve. Let them do it.
Kumbaya my ass.
1 comment:
Rant away!!! Personally I am insulted when these groups tell have truths and out and out lies. As for myself, I am an American citizen, I am living here in the USA out of choice, not because I always have. This is the greatest country in the world where you can express your opinion, but not at the expense of others.
If you don't like what is going on, you have the power by voting to create change. Bashing our military, my military, when they are fighting for me, you and the life we all lead is NOT acceptable. If you don't like it, then you need to go.
I think I followed your rant Karen.
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