Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Clear Sky

Today the sky is blue and beautiful. I feel like crap. Eye infection and achy. But the weather is ok. Tomorrow will be even better. We will finally be below 90 degrees and it will feel more like autumn when we get up in the morning. Autumn in southeast Texas, mind you. But I do enjoy autumn best here. After long hot summers the cool morning air is a true joy.

Son had to come home at lunch time yesterday from school as he was not feeling well. Yukky stuff is going around, to be sure. He went back today so I hope he is doing well. He is suppose to stay about an hour after school for quiz bowl practice. Yes, hubby and I are proud to have spawned a future adult nerd. I love the combo of brains and sense of humor. He is interested in everything and I wouldn't change that for the world. He wants to do something in the world of science in his future career endeavors but also enjoys writing and is a seasoned stand up comedian.

I am a regular Schwan's customer. Yesterday was delivery day and my salesman informed me of the new policy in place by the company to offset the rising cost of fuel. I was truly impressed that this is a company that is thinking outside the box. Most companies are simply raising prices on goods but Schwan's has decided to charge a one dollar surcharge per delivery. Works for me. It would only be a bad deal if you only order one item, I suppose. This is never the case with me so I think it is a pretty good idea. Good for them.

The nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court continues to dominate the news. One criticism that perplexes me is the one that she is mediocre as a nominee. On what is this charge based? That she was educated at SMU in Dallas, not an ivy league school from the great elite northeast? If that was a legitimate argument, then that voids criticism of the intelligence of GW Bush who is a grad of both Harvard and Yale. It is blatant bigotry among elites that if you are not one of them you are not quite up to the task. The far right doesn't like the fact she was a democrat until the late 1980's. Yet they love Phil Gramm, also a former democrat turned republican in the state of Texas. People not raised in the south of earlier days do not understand that virtually all of the south was democrat. When my mother moved to Mississippi in 1950 and tried to register to vote as a republican she was told she wasn't allowed to do that! She could only register as a democrat. The far left is nervous with Miers being a born again Christian and now pro-life. The old bigotry against those trying to live their faith is tiresome as well as ignorant. Those only interested in the issue of abortion are quite shallow to be single issue voters. The far right objects that she supports equal civil rights for gays. Also bogus thinking in this day and age. Grow up. It will be interesting to see this process play out.

I am going to take a break now and read the hometown Pravda, The Houston Chronicle. Usually a waste of time but I remain hopeful that one day...


Cowtown Pattie said...

It's more the crony-ism that worries me. Of course, as a lefty leaner, I would prefer someone more along the lines of Bader-Ginsberg, but I would die from lack of oxygen waiting for that to happen on Dubya's watch. Me and a few other endangered species...

Marybeth said...

I hope you get to feeling better!