Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Fingers Crossed

Tonight is the night. Game three of the World Series and it will probably be the fate sealer for our Astros. Right now a back and forth is going between Astros' management and Bud Selig about if our stadium's roof will be open or not. If they don't see it our way, it'll be hell to pay for them.

Nice and chilly this morning. Stopped by the grocery store after taking the boy to school and picked up the chocolate chip muffin mix he likes. It'll make a nice afterschool treat. And the kitchen will smell good, too.

I am addicted to hazelnut flavored non-dairy coffee creamer. Just a smidge sweet so I don't need any sugar with it. Random thought.

Cindy Sheehan is planning to tie herself to the White House fence when the 2000th death of an American soldier in Iraq is reported. I hope something else knocks her off the front page that day. Continued publicity for this spotlight whore only encourages her to do more outrageous stunts. She actually was complaining to CNN and others that Hurricane Rita coverage was knocking her out of the news at the time. Pathetic.

Hurricane Katrina fatigue is setting in around here. A few days ago I read that some schools that had taken some evacuee kids were having trouble with turf wars between the New Orleans kids and the Houston kids. Understandable, I suppose. Then last week my son's school had reports of impending violence due to said turf wars so extra security was called in to monitor the situation. Fortunately, many students reported things they were hearing around school. The principal and school police conducted locker searches of suspected troublemakers and recovered a small handgun and a pellet gun. Nice. They won't be back this year.

No good deed goes unpunished.

Go, Astros!


srp said...

I think you might be getting some spam comments. You can turn on the Blogger anti-spam and it will put those pesky word verifications on this page. It does work.

About the coffee creamer. I know this is a stupid thing...but, I love the Amaretto and my folks like the Hazelnut (really, I do too). Here we found some in a low carb variety so that my mom (diabetic) can use it too.

Karen Townsend said...

SRP: Thanks!

poopie said...

Good luck on the game!!

Idgie @ the "Dew" said...

Really too bad about the issues that might arise from the new influx of school kids. I'm sure the NO kids will hang together in a tight little circle and some will probably become "gangish".

Let's hope it doesn't get too rough.

Did Cindy really say that about the hurricane? Unbelievable what comes out of mouths. Course the older Mrs. Bush will never live down her comments either!

Re: coffee - I am DULL. Maxwell House, with plain cream, no sugar. Makes me a happy camper.