Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Game Three

I am one sleepy woman today. Lots of coffee needed. Astros lost in the 14th inning last night. The score was 7 - 5. So depressing. Tonight is make or break time.

So many things on my mind this morning listening to current events. I'll have the distraction of picking up son early from school today, though. I'll probably need the break. Early dismissal today.

The mainstream media is hyping the 2000th death of an American soldier from the war in Iraq. If you are interested in another point of view from someone who might actually know what the story is, read the statement made by Commander Kimmet from Iraq. He says that the 2000th mark is an artificial mark and is only for the purposes of those who have a political agenda. It does no good to the soldiers in the field or the morale of the American people who support them. He is pissed and I don't blame him. Things are tough enough as it is. Cindy Sheehan and her crowd can party hardy today. At least there is not a pesky hurricane taking away coverage from her spotlight.

Lots of election mud being thrown here. We have a mayorial race and city council race going on. The mayor really has no challengers to speak of so he doesn't have to do much. The city council race is interesting in one district. The current council woman claimed a college degree from the University of Houston but did not really have it. Her challenger called her out on it so she had a quick fix done to get the diploma. Back and forth. He calls for her resignation for an untruthful resume. She says she didn't know she hadn't completed the degree. Huh?

Have to spend the afternoon with son completing his costume for his upcoming performance in his acting class play. They put it on Sunday afternoon. He takes the class at a local playhouse from a former actress who mostly does commercials now. She is a kick and the kids love her. We have to track down a couple of items to complete the costume - son plays the sheriff. Ha!

Go, Astros! Seriously.


srp said...

Sorry about the game.
I'm so fed up with the news I just turned it off.
Now, I'm off to start Max's supper and see if I can get any more figs out of the tree before it frosts this week.

AC said...

Those extra extra inning games are exhausting! (remember, Braves fan here) I'm watching now and bee-lieving it can be done.